Bibliographie relative aux conversations à l’islam, extraite de l’appel à communications “Rendre compte des conversions à l’islam : vers quelle approche en sciences sociales ?” (auteur : Juliette Galonnier & Amélie Puzenat)
Alam, Oishee. 2012. “‘Islam is a Blackfella Religion, Whatchya Trying to Prove?’: Race in the Lives of White Muslim Converts in Australia.” The La Trobe Journal, 89, 124-139.
Allievi, Stefano. 1998. Les Convertis à l’Islam: les Nouveaux Musulmans d’Europe. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Arnold, T.W. 1896. The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf.
Bayoumi, Moustafa. 2006. “Racing Religion.” The New Centennial Review, 6, 2: 267-293.
Bourque, Nicole. 1998. “Being British and Muslim: Dual Identity Amongst New and Young Muslims.” p. 1-19 in University Lectures in Islamic Studies, edited by Jones Alan. London: Altajir World of Islam Trust
———. 2006. “How Deborah Became Aisha: The Conversion Process and the Creation of Female Muslim Identity.” p. 233-249 in Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West, edited by Van Nieuwkerk K. Austin: University of Islam
Brun, Solène. 2014. Passer la frontière ou brouiller les lignes ? Race, genre et religion : les frontières ethno-raciales au prisme des conversions de femmes à l’Islam en France. Master Thesis in Sociology. Paris: Sciences Po.
Bulliet, Richard W. 1979. Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Daynes, Sarah. 1999. “Processus de conversion et modes d’identification à l’islam: l’exemple de la France et des Etats-Unis.” Social Compass, 46, 3: 313-323.
Franks, Myfanwy. 2000. “Crossing the Borders of Whiteness? White Muslim Women Who Wear Hijab in Britain Today.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23, 5: 917-929.
Galonnier, Juliette. 2015. “When White Devils Join the Deen: White American Converts to Islam and the Experience of Non-Normative Whiteness.” Notes et Documents, Paris, Sciences Po/OSC.
———. à paraître. “Comparative Racialization: White Converts’ Encounters with Race in France and the United States.”
Garcia-Arenal, Mercedes. 1999. “Les conversions d’Européens à l’islam dans l’histoire: esquisse générale.” Social Compass, 46, 3: 273-281.
Gilham, Jamie. 2014. Loyal Enemies: British Converts to Islam, 1850-1950. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Haddad, Y. Z. 2006. “The Quest for Peace in Submission: Reflections on the Journey of American Women Converts to Islam.” p. in Women Embracing Islam, edited by Van Nieuwkerk K. Austin: University of Texas Press
Hermansen, Marcia. 1999. “Roads to Mecca: Conversion Narratives of European and Euro-American Muslims.” The Muslim World, 89, 1.
Jackson, Sherman. 2005. Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jensen, Tina Gudrun. 2006. “Religious Authority and Autonomy Intertwined: the Case of Converts to Islam in Denmark.” The Muslim World, 96, 643-660.
———. 2008. “To Be ‘Danish,’ Becoming ‘Muslim’: Contestations of National Identity?” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34, 3: 389-409.
Köse, Ali. 1996. Conversion to Islam: A Study of Native British Converts. London: Kegan Paul International.
Larisse, Agathe. 2013. Bifurcation et subjectivation politique: les originaires des Antilles converti-e-s à l’Islam en Ile-de-France. Master Thesis in Sociology. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
Leman, Johan. 2010. “Crossing Boundaries: Ethnicity and Islamic Conversion in Belgium.” Ethnoculture, 2, 27-44.
Leman, Johan, Stallaert, Christiane and Lechkar, Iman. 2010. “Ethnic Dimensions in the Discourse and Identity Strategies of European Converts to Islam in Andalusia and Flanders.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36, 9: 1483-1497.
LePape, Loïc. 2005. “Les récits de conversion: d’une histoire personnelle romancée à l’analyse sociologique d’un engagement religieux.” Alfa, Maghreb et Sciences Sociales, 1, 77-87.
———. 2007. “Engagement religieux, engagements politiques: conversions dans une confrérie musulmane.” Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 140: 9-27.
Leuenberger, Susanne. 2014. “‘I Have Become a Stranger in my Homeland’: An Analysis of the Public Performance of Converts to Islam in Switzerland.” p. 1181-1202 in Debating Islam: Negotiating Religion, Europe and the Self, edited by Behloul Samuel M;, Leuenberger Susanne and Tunger-Zanetti Andreas. Bielefeld: Verlag
Levtzion, Nehemia. 1979. Conversion to Islam. New York: Holmes and Meier.
Luckmann, Thomas. 1999. “The Religious Situation in Europe: the Background to Contemporary Conversions.” Social Compass, 46, 3: 251-258.
McCloud, Amina B. 1995. African-American Islam. New York: Routledge.
McGinty, Anna Mansson. 2006. Becoming Muslim: Western Women’s Conversions to Islam. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Meer, Nasar. 2013. “Racialization and Religion: Race, Culture and Difference in the Study of Antisemitism and Islamophobia.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 3: 385-398.
Meer, Nasar and Modood, Tariq. 2010. “The Racialisation of Muslims.” p. 69-83 in Thinking through Islamophobia, edited by Vakil A. K. and Sayyid S. London: Hurst & Co
Moosavi, Leon. 2012. “British Muslim Converts Performing Authentic Muslimness.” Performing Islam, 1, 1: 103-128.
———. 2015. “The Racialization of Muslim Converts in Britain and Their Experiences of Islamophobia.” Critical Sociology, 41, 1: 41-56.
Mossière, Géraldine. 2014. Converties à l’Islam. Parcours de femmes au Québec et en France. Montréal: PU Montréal.
Özyürek, Esra. 2014. Being German, Becoming Muslim: Race, Religion and Conversion in the New Europe. New York: Princeton University Press.
Poston, Larry. 1992. Islamic Da’wah in the West: Muslim Missionary Activity and the Dynamics of Conversion to Islam. New York: Oxford University Press.
Puzenat, Amélie. 2010. Conversions à l’islam et islams de conversion: dynamiques identitaires et familiales. Thèse en sociologie. Paris: Université Paris 7.
Riva, Virginie. 2015. Converties. Paris Seuil.
Roald, Anne Sofie. 2006. “The Shaping of a Scandinavian Islam: Converts and Gender Equal Opportunity.” p. 48-70 in Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West, edited by Van Nieuwkerk Karin. Austin: University of Texas Press
———. 2012. “The conversion process in stages: new Muslims in the twenty-first century.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 23, 3: 347-362.
Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela. 2012. “Managing Muslim Visibility: Conversion, Immigration and Spanish Imaginaries of Islam.” American Anthropologist, 114, 4: 611-623.
Selod, Saher and Embrick, David G. 2013. “Racialization and Muslims: Situating the Muslim Experience in Race Scholarship.” Sociology Compass, 7, 8: 644-655.
Suleiman, Yasir. 2013. Narratives of Conversion to Islam: Female Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tourage, M. 2012. “Performing Belief and Reviving Islam: Prominent (White Male) Converts in Muslim Revival Conventions.” Performing Islam, 1, 2: 207-226.
Van Nieuwkerk, K. 2014. “Conversion to Islam and the Construction of a Pious Self.” p. 667-686 in The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion, edited by Rambo Lewis R. and Farhadian Charles E. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Van Nieuwkerk, Karin. 2004. “Veils and Wooden Clogs Don’t Go Together.” Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 69, 2: 229-246.
———. 2006. Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West. Austin: University of Texas Press.
———. 2008. “Biography and Choice: Female Converts to Islam in the Netherlands.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 19, 4: 431-447.
Winchester, Daniel. 2008. “Embodying the Faith: Religious Practice and the Making of a Muslim Moral Habitus.” Social Forces, 86, 4: 1753-1780.
Wohlrab-Sahr. 2006. “Symbolizing Distance: Conversion to Islam in Germany and the United States.” p. 71-94 in Women Embracing Islam: Gender and Conversion in the West, edited by Van Nieuwkerk K. Austin: Texas University Press
Woodlock, Rachel. 2010. “Praying Where They Don’t Belong: Female Muslim Converts and Access to Mosques in Melbourne, Australia.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 30, 2: 265-278.
Zebiri, Kate. 2007. British Muslim Converts: Choosing Alternative Lives. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
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