La Chaire de géopolitique du risque affiliée au Département Géographie et Territoires de l’ENS organise un atelier intitulé “Counterterrorism without Terror? Identity-threats to the nation-state”, le 18 juin 2018, de 10h à 18h, en salle R1-16 sur le site de Jourdan.
Programme :
10:00 – Welcome and Opening Remarks : Sarah C. Perret, Chaire de Géopolitique du Risque (SOURCE/ENS)
10:30 – Panel 1: Counterterrorism and Counter-radicalization in Liberal Societies
- Alessandra Russo (Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux) & Ervjola Selenica (Centre for International Education, University of Sussex): The knowledge production on de-radicalisation and counter-terrorism across scholarly and policy-making discourses and practices
- Charlotte Heath-Kelly (PAIS, University of Warwick): Counter-Radicalisation Surveillance as Neoliberal Welfare Provision
- Kyle Grayson (Newcastle University): Fasco-liberalism and the reorganisation of spatial orders
12:30 – Lunch Break
13:30 – Panel 2 : Regimes of Citizenship and Counterterrorism Policies
- Xavier Guillaume (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): Identity ascriptions and political communities: connecting regimes and models of citizenship with counter-terrorism policies
- Marie Beauchamps (PPLE, University of Amsterdam): Introducing Denaturalization as an Affective Technology of Government
- Tugba Basaran (University of Cambridge): Security, Law, Outlaw
15:30 – Coffee Break
15:45 – Panel 3: Instrumentalization of Citizenship in Non-Western Societies
- Ben Hayes (Transnational Institute/PRIO): Globalisation of Counterterrorism
- Chowra Makaremi (EHESS, CNRS): “Enemies of God”, “enemies of the State”, “enemies of the Nation”: anti-terrorism and State formation in the Islamic Republic
- Kristoffer Liden(SOURCE/PRIO) : Policing ideas: Countering Violent Extremism as technology of illiberal governance
17:45 – Concluding Remarks: J. Peter Burgess, Chaire de Géopolitique du Risque (SOURCE/ENS)
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jeanne Pawella (16 juin 2018). Conf * Counterterrorism without Terror * 18 juin 2018. Radicalisations. Consulté le 12 novembre 2024 à l’adresse