Emploi * 7 PhD positions with scholarships * 14 sept 2020 * Milan

Deadline approaching for 7 PhD positions with scholarships
in the 3-years Ph.D. Programme in Political Studies (POLS),
University of Milan – Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP). Scholarship amount: approximately 16.000 euros/year, for 3 years. Application deadline: September 14, 2020.

The Ph.D. programme in Political Studies is based at the University of Milan and jointly promoted by the following departments, members of NASP:
•    Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS), University of Milan
•    Department of Political and Social Sciences (PSS), University of Pavia.
The programme aims at training highly skilled professionals who may employed as researchers in academic institutions, think tanks and research centres, as well as advisors and officers in politico-institutional bodies, (ministries, EU bodies, UN agencies, etc…), socio-economic institutions (Oecd, ILO, etc..) , no profit organizations (Trade unions, ETUC, ITUC, Ngos, etc..) and private companies.

The programme offers a two-levels training:
First, the acquisition of a common background in the fields of political science and political philosophy.
Second, a personalized training along the four specialization paths:
1.    Institutions and Public Policy focuses on contemporary political systems with particular reference to: functioning of parliaments, governments and other political institutions at the national, local and European levels; public policy analysis and evaluation; welfare and labour market policies; democracy and democratization;
2.    International Studies aims to provide tools to interpret the international dimension of politics and the processes of mutual conditioning between the domestic and the external spheres by discussing the main themes of the theory of International Relations, and analysing the most important sub-regional systems and the main international actors’ foreign policies.
3.    Public Opinion, Political Communication and Political Behaviour delves into the analysis of the electoral processes, of the role the main actors involved play, of their communication strategies with the citizens, and of how the latter build, express and translate into electoral behaviors their attitudes towards politics.
4.    Political Theory offers an in-depth study of the main paradigms that orient the contemporary debate on political philosophy, normative political theory, and applied ethics, and provides the necessary competences to build political arguments, to evaluate their theoretical and practical implications, and to elaborate conceptual frameworks to treat politically relevant issues.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jeanne Pawella (8 septembre 2020). Emploi * 7 PhD positions with scholarships * 14 sept 2020 * Milan. Radicalisations. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/t65h

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