Base de données * Right-wing terrorism & violence * 1990-2015

Base de données en libre accès (en version épurée) sur les faits violents et/ou terroristes liées à la mouvance d’extrême droite en Europe occidentale entre 1990 et 2015 : “Right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: the RTV dataset”. La base a été créée par Jacob Aasland Ravndal, postdoctorant au Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX, Oslo, Norvège). Elle contient 578 événements, dont 190 mortels ayant causés 303 décès. Chaque événement est assorti de différentes variables dont le lieu et la date, les auteurs et victimes, l’affiliation organisationnelle, le type d’arme utilisé. Sources : média, documents militants ou biographies (papier ou en ligne), documents judiciaires et littérature secondaire. La base de données est en cours d’actualisation pour s’étendre aux faits de 2020.

Référence : Ravndal, Jacob Aasland, “Right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: Introducing the RTV dataset,” Perspectives on Terrorism 10, no. 3 (June 2016).

Présentation par les auteurs – Lire la description exhaustive : ici.

The RTV dataset documents right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe between 1990 and 2015. The dataset has been created by Jacob Aasland Ravndal, Postdoctoral Fellow at C-REX.

A limited version of the RTV dataset is freely available for download here. Due to privacy protection concerns, this limited version does not contain information about the exact time and location of an event. A qualitative description of each event as well as all corresponding sources have also been removed.  

Access to the full version of the RTV dataset

Access to the full version of the dataset including all corresponding online and offline sources can be obtained by scholars upon request to C-REX.

To  access the full version, one has to

  1. demonstrate a reasonable need for access, either as a researcher or as a peer-reviewer;
  2. be associated with a publicly recognized research institution and document a legal basis for treatment of personal data; and
  3. sign a written consent to not use the data to gather biographical information about individuals involved in any events, and to delete all data after usage.

How to provide feedback on the dataset?

New information and relevant links may be submitted through an online form. To provide new information about already registered events, please refer to the event’s “caseID” (first variable in the dataset). To suggest a new event to be included in the dataset, please consider the above listed inclusion criteria and make sure to provide necessary documentation.


Crédit icono : Government building in Oslo after the bombing on 22 July 2011. The Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence (RTV) dataset was created following the terrorist attacks in Oslo on 22 July 2011. Photo: Wikicommons

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jeanne Pawella (22 novembre 2019). Base de données * Right-wing terrorism & violence * 1990-2015. Radicalisations. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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